Here is
what some people that I have worked with think about
Worldwork in organizations.
It was my privilege to participate in a Master Facilitation course presented by Max Schupbach. He created a challenging yet supportive environment that ensured maximum learning by participants. His approach had a profound impact upon my understanding and view of facilitation and the power of a group. He is a true master who can impart knowledge and inspire action in others. I now feel I have been influenced by a truly wise man. I am confident anyone who has the opportunity to work with Max will be enriched by his philosophies and supportive manner.
John Barclay, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PricewaterhouseCooper is one of the world’s largest consulting firms with over 130,000 employees in 148 countries)
What will distinguish successful, thriving organizations in the 21st Century, whether they are for profit or not for profit, is their ability to successfully transform their reliance from increased management techniques to demonstrating and embodying leadership. As a manager within an international company committed to transforming myself into a leader, I found the worldwork principles and training by Dr. Max Schupach on the cutting edge of leadership training. Every organization needs to incorporate worldwork concepts and processes into their development initiatives.
Susan Kiraly, Manager, American Express, USA (American Express is a global payments company and operates in over 130 countries)
Dr.Schupbach ran a highly successful strategy retreat for our Corporate Vice Presidents. His innovative leadership skills, using the Worldwork model, bring the concepts of diversity and awareness into a brand new realm of business thinking and strategy development. He has my highest recommendations.
HansJoern Roenningen, Senior Vice President, Norsk Hydro, (Norsk Hydro is one of the world's largest industrial conglomerates with Oil, Hydro Energy, Light Metal, and Industrial Chemical Sections, Fortune Global 500 and Fortune "Worlds Most Admired Companies")
Max came to us at a time when we were experiencing very significant growing pains. We needed to move from a family-oriented culture to a more professional environment with more checks and balances while preserving the soul and special qualities of our original culture. The tensions in this transition had significantly eroded trust on all fronts and were jeopardizing our ability to implement our ambitious growth plans. Max was incredibly thoughtful, sensitive, and flexible as he quickly understood the dynamics of our system and was able to win the deep trust and respect of all the various stakeholders. Over a 1.5 year period, he consulted with us to engineer a change process that included individual coaching of myself and others, running our strategic planning offsite with senior management, and facilitating large stakeholder meetings with 150 participants from around the globe. Our work with Max resulted in a profound shift in the level of trust and clarity of roles between the different stakeholders and has released a tremendous amount of creative energy to envision a bolder future together. The final outcome has surpassed everyone’s initial expectation and given us much greater confidence about our future. We consider Max to be the very best in this field.
Shirzad Chamine, CEO, The Coaches Training Institute (CTI), San Rafael, CA. CTI is the world’s first and largest coach training organization, training professional coaches and leaders across the globe.
I was a participant in Max Schupbach’s Intensive on Process-oriented Leadership Intensive in Cape Town, which was attended by 120 South African executives from a wide variety of industries. I was impressed with Worldwork as a methodology for working on the organizational, cultural and interpersonal levels of an organizational issue. The course gave me the opportunity to address tough issues and work on them in depth to find sustainable resolutions. I came to view conflict as an opportunity to build union and friendship. The practice and implementation of this new attitude towards conflict empowered me to use all my talents and strength in leading groups and teams. I got to know myself not only as a centered and powerful leader, but also as an elder, who can support all sides and bring resolution to groups that are in conflict. Lessons learned from Process-oriented Leadership enabled me also to cope with change brought about by the acquisition of our organisation. If it had not been for the Process-oriented Leadership Programme, I would have not been able to understand and work with the issues as I did. The programme has transformed me and the way I look at issues. I believe I come much faster to much better decisions than before.
Lawrence Mlotshwa, HR Director, ABSA Banking Group, Johannisburg, South Africa (ABSA is South Africa’s largest retail bank. Barclay Bank in England purchased recently a 60 % interest in ABSA, making it the biggest direct investment transaction in the history of South Africa)
After having spent just one day with Max, our executive team has never worked together so well. Better communication, better leadership, better conflict resolution, better results. I wish I had met Max years ago! Thanks, Max!
Paul Levitan
President & CEO
Galaxy Desserts, California, USA
(Galaxy Dessert a worldwide leader in gourmet desserts with nationwide distribution throughout the US)
Dr. Schupbach conveys an innovative and deep understanding of change processes and change management. He shows how it is possible to assist everyone to find their right positions, and to do justice to their talents. As a result, change processes liberate a huge wave of new energy, which can be focused on content development and production of results, rather than usurped by competition and power struggles. I finally realized that it is only through this process that I can truly use the full potential of teams. Through the participation and learning in Max’s training, my daily work has become more effortless, more satisfying and more humane.
Bernhard Eisenbarth, Director ICT Management, UBS, Zurich, Switzerland, (UBS - Union Bank of Switzerland, is the world's largest wealth manager, a top tier investment banking firm, and a key global asset manager. UBS, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, is present in all major financial centers worldwide)
As the president of a medical company and the leader of a large professional organization, I have long been seeking new and inspiring methods to go beyond our barriers. They would have to be aligned with our vision and encourage a dialogue in which everybody would feel involved, respected, and needed in their uniqueness and difference. My search ended after finding Worldwork and Dr.Schupbach, whom I highly recommend.
Margaret Jiin Ngu, M.D.
President of Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
CEO of eMedica Pty Ltd.
Max Schupbach is a unique and extraordinary trainer and facilitator. Where others speak about leadership in a rather abstract way, Max lives and breathes his unique approach. Worldwork demonstrates how as leaders, we can act responsibly and with depth, creating change in ourselves, those we work with, and in the world as a whole. During a time in which NGO's have a large amount of responsibility for social and environmental change, Max's teaching is indispensable, addressing these changes with an approach that is creative, achievable and sustainable. I can honestly say that Max has taught me most of what I know about leadership.
Patrick Nash, Chief Executive, Teacher Support Network, London (The only independent non-profit organization in the UK for teachers, running counseling programs, employee assistance, as well as personal, professional and organizational development for schools)
I have been working for almost 30 years on large scale organizational change projects with major corporations around the world. I have seen (and even run) programs that didn't begin to address the real issues that block change and prevent high performance. I think that Process Work is an essential support for the changes that every institution and all of us are experiencing as the economic rules around us change. I have made a personal commitment to learn more about it and to integrate it into my work. I see Max as one of my main teachers in this area.
Prof. Patricia A. McLagan
President, McLagan International, Inc. Washington, D.C.
Author, "The Age of Participation: New Governance for the Workplace and the World"
The Leadership training Max Schupbach did with us in Santa Fe in 1999 radically altered the way in which our staff and I view the world, and participate in conflicts, which arise in our educational setting. It was like waking up to a whole new way of being in the world with increased awareness. And it is a learning process that continues daily. Max is a brilliant, loving and compassionate teacher. He is passionate in his ability to challenge others and himself in order to get to the root of change processes. He lives what he teaches.
Lonnie Howard, Director, The Scherer Institute of Natural Healing, Santa Fe, New Mexico
The processwork awareness framework and most importantly Max’s inspirational role-modelling of eldership have helped me to see the potentialities that exist everywhere. Whilst the applications to our corporate environment are enormous, it has also been in the realms of interpersonal relationships and developing personal insight that I have experienced the great impacts. Unsatisfying and frustrating relationships with colleagues and family have become “unstuck” and reached new ground, personal limitations have evaporated, and I feel closer to my creative purpose in life than ever before. This experience is a gradually transforming one where the life I am living evolves into the space of enjoyment and fulfilment that seemed before impossible. This is not an easy journey and requires persistent effort and practice in developing awareness and mindfulness, through daily inner work and in a regular dyad that we formed as part of a community of practice that grew out of our course.
Gitanjali Maharaj, Business Development Manager, Woolworths, South Africa. (Woolworths is one of South Africa’s largest retails stores with over 14,000 employees and approx 2.1 Billion$ revenue)
Max Schupbach brings a new paradigm of appreciation and eldership to the kind of challenges that organisations and individuals are facing today. By his own example, he shows how difficult, multi-level processes can be observed and understood, and how underlying assumptions, roles, and ghost roles can be made visible and thus conscious. He demonstrates his vast experience by focusing your attention on the things that really matter while working with conflicts, confrontations, and feelings of being trapped. He is a tremendous source of inspiration for me. As a result, my facilitation skills in entrepreneurship processes, a field in which the usual and traditional methods are practically useless, have improved enormously.
Sigrid Peuker M.A., Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Society, a department of the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and Chairwoman of IKIB e.V. (Intercultural Cooperation for an International Berlin)
I work as a diversity trainer in the transportation industry with an extremely diverse population in a very intense atmosphere. Issues of class, race, gender, education, language, and power are prominent; reactions to issues are highly charged. Worldwork has helped us better align our training programs to the needs of participants, as well as to deal with intense emotions in a respectful and productive manner.
I have learned a great deal from working with Dr. Schupbach: I can't overstate the importance of this work for both my personal and professional growth. Worldwork is an intensely transformative practice; the world will never look the same again!"
Christopher McMullen, M.B.A., Boston Transit Systems, Boston, USA
Getting inside Max’s Worldwork took me time and I needed a mental shift - but it was worth it. After beginning skepticism, I went home and experimented successfully with some of the ideas and came back to the second part of the coures and hit the ground running. The programme is rich in ideas and insights, yet each individual is free to adapt and create a personal approach to leading, facilitation and coaching. Apart from improving in these areas, I also benefited individually on three levels: on a personal level I was empowered to shape some important decisions in my private life, which helped my work-life balance; secondly, I had a new approach to handling conflict within my organisation, and thirdly it hastened my decision to disengage myself from one of my companies, so as to free up my energy to follow my lifedream for the last few years of my working life. Now this is ain’t insignificant – so thanks Max!
Tony Norman – Director, Consensus Consulting, Eschborn, Germany.
Max Schupbach is a highly gifted and perceptive facilitator. Our group of senior consultants from PricewaterhouseCooper Consulting were all individually, and as a group, touched by Max's authentic interest in us and our development. Every member of the group came away from 4 days with Max richer and more self-aware. In our case Max was tasked with leading a group of experienced and senior people to improve our facilitation skills. During the course of the 4 days, we were exposed to a mixture of carefully woven theory and practice in facilitation. For every individual, new skills and knowledge development in facilitation were attained. However, in fact Max did more than this. He assisted each one of us develop as individuals. Max will stay with us all for a long time.
Cindy Schultz, Director Strategic Change Solutions, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting
Dr.Schupbach very successfully facilitated leadership conflicts in our executive committee, using his very inspirational and innovative style. Worldwork, his method of application, has special techniques that unfold the values behind each individual's position and reveals the leadership potential of the group itself. This was a very empowering experience. His work is distinguished by great human warmth and impartiality, which allow all members insights into their own motivations and bring to light aspects of the conflict which had previously been unconscious.
Gil Ducommun, Professor for Development Policy, President of Dynamic 5, (a new European Political Party Project with sections in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and France)
I recently attended an intensive training in Australia conducted by Max Schupbach in Worldwork. As well as obtaining many valuable skills and insights from this training, I was able to apply these successfully to my work in negotiating with Aboriginal people. The results were very positive and have lead to a revisioning of some of the approaches being used to settle indigenous land issues in Western Australia, providing more sustainable outcomes. I would highly recommend the Worldwork course with Max both in the teaching style that he uses and the richness that it adds to working with large groups.
Antony Harvey, Western Australian Dept. of Training and Employment, Director of Aboriginal employment
At this stage of our cultural and global development, Worldwork, the more profound perspective and approach used by Dr. Schupbach is essential and I would consider it an honor to work with him in about any capacity I could imagine.
Prof.Dr.Elaine Yarbough,
University of Colorado, USA
President, The Yarbough Group, Organizational Consultants
Author, "Training Strategies: From Start to Finish"
Worldwork is a radically new model that deals with leadership issues within a framework that extends beyond the organization in which it is being applied. It unveils the larger connection to societal problems and interconnections with global development. It's greatest value, however, lies in its tools that use these connections for finding solutions for the local organizational difficulty. Dr.Schupbach provides the enthusiasm to inspire these discoveries, the teaching skills to make learning exciting and fun, and the professional experience to apply them in a broad professional and community environment.
Drs.D.J.Elders, Director, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
(The Rijksmuseum houses the largest art and history collection in the Netherlands)
I have found Dr Schupbach to be a highly talented leader, teacher and facilitator, his Worldwork philosophies and teachings have inspired me and given me the skills and confidence to understand and work in widely differing economic and cultural environments. In particular his teachings have assisted my successful facilitation of Shareholder, Board, Investor and Management teams throughout my international work - and enabled me to in-turn pass on a wide range of skills to my colleagues and staff.
Keith Oliver - Director ALTO Capital - Auckland New Zealand
Max Schupbach is the best leadership teacher I have ever learned from. He teaches by example and his inspirational style makes learning easy. Process work taught me how to turn the hardest confrontational issues in my work into the best opportunities for change. Last year, my organization had come to a critical cross-roads. Applying what I learned from Max gave us the ability to overcome prejudice and reluctance among staff and volunteers to renew this into an organization where people actively support our vision for the future.
Will Grant, Director and Founder, Building Leadership, Inc. Albaquerque, New Mexico, USA, (a non-profit organization which develops leadership teams among disenfranchised communities to advocate for social justice through democratic education.)
I attended 'Leadership in the 21st Century' which Dr. Max Schupbach was leading for AVECO, the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations in the UK. Max Schupbach and Worldwork have a fresh and challenging approach to leadership issues. You will come away with a deeper understanding of what makes individuals and organisations tick, having experienced powerful demonstrations of how greater understanding and awareness can lead to insightful solutions.
John Green, Chief Executive, Forward Living - a charity working for people with learning disabilities – United Kingdom.
I had the great fortune to attend training in process facilitation with Max. We were a large group of South Africans Executives with all the rich complexity of our diversity present. Max's wisdom as a facilitator of these dynamics and as a "teacher" astounded me. He is authentic, respectful, and present and as an acute ability to spot the dynamics of a group, find ways to bring them into the open and trust the group to resolve them in the best possible way. He is a role model of genuine democracy - he sees all sides of an issue and does not judge them as good or bad. I think that who he is comes from a genuine love of people and this enables him to work in groups and with individuals in a very powerful way. Subsequent to the workshops, Max has provided me with much insight into the dynamics of my organisation and assisted me to see things from a different perspective, which has helped me to facilitate some tricky change dynamics.
Jane Tough. Talent Manager. Woolworths. South Africa
Thank you so much for a your competent facilitation and a successful event, Dr. Schupbach!!!
Monika Stocker, Executive Member, City Council, Zurich, Switzerland
